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GSA Guide - General Post Office

GSA Guide - General Post Office Claimed

Brisbane 4000

URPoint Details

This URP is provided and maintained by members of the Geological Society of Australia as a geo-located community knowledge service.

Brisbane General Post Office is built on a site formerly occupied by the convict Female Factory Prison which later became a gaol. The GPO complex was the first user of electricity in Brisbane.


 Brisbane General Post Office is built on the site formerly occupied by the old convict Female Factory Prison which later became a gaol.

Gaol hill was leveled for the construction of the GPO which occurred in two stages. The original northern wing was erected in 1872 by John Petrie. When the Government decided to house the separate Postal and Telegraphy Departments under the one roof, the matching southern wing and the central clock tower was built and occupied by 1879. The clock tower, which no longer contains a clock, and the clock on Central Station which can be seen on the other side of ANZAC Square lie on the center line of the distance between Edward and Creek Streets.

A green cast iron hitching post in front of the GPO is a remnant of early mail delivery by horse. The GPO was the first user of electricity in Brisbane.

Building Materials:

 Sandstone for the facade, arcades and corinthian columns was sourced from the Breakfast Creek quarries (Formation:


Map Location

Brisbane 4000